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صفحه 4 : سینما و تلویزیون

About Us

Introducing the Art and Cultural Institute of Khorasan

The Art and Cultural Institute of Khorasan was founded in 2001 and obtained ownership of the popular Khorasan newspaper.
Members of the Board of Trustees of the Institute are appointed for a period of 5 years from the Office of the Supreme Leader. The Institute produces a variety of cultural products, while Khorasan newspaper with 68 years of age is the major product of this institute.
Several other newspapers, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and special thematic periodicals of cultural, political, social and Sport, Office of Research, Center for media training, publications, Classified Ads, distribution and sharing, Bank of electronic archives and electronic media "Latest news" one of as the most visited Persian applications and the equipped and advanced "Printing City", are among other products and facilities of this institute.

Products of the Art and Cultural Institute of Khorasan


Khorasan Newspaper



Khorasan Newspaper was established in early June 1949 with the slogan "Dear Brother, here is Khorasan, Speaking is not easy here". Until 1998 it would be published locally, in The Great Khorasan province, therefore it can be regarded as the country's oldest local newspaper. In January25, 1999, it started to be distributed simultaneously in Mashhad and Tehran. It continued its countrywide distribution to the point that it is presently the mostly distributed newspaper of the East and according to the Deputy Minister of Culture, it is now among the nation's top 5 newspapers.
The owner and managing director of it was Mohammad Sadeq Tehranian, and in this era this newspaper continued to be released until 1979 without interruption, but at a time of lasting for 24 days in November and December 1978 it went on strike and ceased to be released as a sign of solidarity with the revolutionary people of Iran, Like other newspapers, Khorasan underwent changes after the Islamic Revolution. In May 1980, it was confiscated and transferred to the Islamic Revolution Mostazafan Foundation, , and in another era it was transferred to The Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans and then Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, then finally The Art and Culture Institute of Khorasan was established in 2001 , The owner of it transferred to Institute.
Now, Khorasan newspaper
Khorasan Newspaper now is publishing in 16 pages consisting of news, political, social, economic and cultural issues, with 64 yellow pages, 4 pages devoted to Sports Khorasan, 4 pages about Islamic lifestyle, and 8 pages devoted to the provincial newspapers (for each region) attached to this newspaper




Khorasan Razavi Newspaper

After the division of Khorasan province into 3 provinces in 2004, it would necessitate to publish 3 separate newspapers in provinces of Khorasan Razavi, as well as North and South Khorasan. In order to maintain contact with the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) and for strengthening the spiritual identity as well as reflecting issues particular to these provinces, specialized issues were first published on a daily basis. Khorasan`s first special Edition was published in 4 pages on October 4th, 2004, and shortly after the favorable reception the audience this Special Edition was promoted to 8 pages, and it was in June 21st 2012 that Khorasan Razavi newspaper was granted publication permit and ever since it has continued its activity in 8 pages in domains of economic, social, cultural, artistic, sporting , cities and coments



North Khorasan newspaper

The largest provincial newspaper is " North Khorasan", and the idea of publishing it was raised after the division of Khorasan province in to 2 three parts. North Khorasan was published in the form of a 4-page special supplement to the Khorasan newspaper in October 12th 2008, until the licenses to publish this newspaper was issued. This newspaper continues its activities indignantly in Bojnourd with trained and experienced staff of about 100 employees, reporters and correspondents. However, it is printed in the Khorasan newspaper printing city in Mashhad.
Diversity and cultural richness of Northern Khorasan and abundance of enormous agricultural and industrial potentialities of this region, further necessitated a media which could help to foster these capabilities and develop North Khorasan Province culturally, politically, socially and economically. North Khorasan newspaper being warmly received in the region during this period bears witness to the fact that this newspaper has been able to provide a successful track record in North Khorasan province


South Khorasan


The idea of South Khorasan newspaper was raised after the division of Khorasan province, and preparations for its publication began in the waning days of June 2004. The first Special Edition of Khorasan newspaper supplement titled "South Khorasan" was published in the June 22nd 2004 in 4 pages and then pursuant to the warm reception of audience the number of pages increased to 8 in 17th July 2008. Such increase in the number of pages became concurrent with the issuance of South Khorasan newspaper publication permit in 19 July 2008 by the Press Supervisory Board.
The purpose of publishing this paper was to strengthen the cultural richness of South Khorasan province, lack of a political, social and cultural newspaper in this province, and preventing the cultural gap between provinces of Khorasan Razavi, North and South Khorasan, as well as the request of the warm-blooded people of South Khorasan. Cooperation of the people and the authorities of this province resulted in South Khorasan newspaper turning into the most popular newspaper of the province. All technical phases of this newspaper is done in Birjand, and only its printing is done in Mashhad and it is distributed in all cites of South Khorasan



Sistan and Baluchestan newspaper


Sistan and Baluchestan newspaper is the fifth product of the Art Institute of Khorasan, and the license for its publication was issued in May 26th 2014 by the Supervisory Board of press. The purpose of obtaining such authorization to publish a newspaper called "Sistan and Baluchistan" was Press poverty in this part of the East of the country. Moreover, Sistan-Baluchistan is among the deprived provinces of Iran which has great potentials for development. These potentials include commercial ports which can be introduced by an effective media beside other capabilities and strengths of the province. Sistan and Baluchestan newspaper aimed at developing this province in terms of various aspects of political, social, cultural and economic domains, stepped into the press to sever the faithful, united and hardworking people of Sistan and Baluchestan. To this end, in 2008 the supervising office of Khorasan newspaper was opened in the city of Zahedan and Sistan-Baluchestan. Since 2010 a Special Edition release of Sistan and Baluchestan began and the news paper of Sistan and Baluchestan was published in 2013. Presently, 4 pages in the political, social, cultural, economic, sports subjects are presented to the audience and has gained special status among the people and officials in Sistan and Baluchestan



The Sound of Rain


The Sound of Rain" is the sixth newspaper issued by the Art Institute of Khorasan, and the license for its publication was issued in September 1st 2014 by the Supervisory Board of press. The Sounds of rain is a pilot for the development of regional newspapers which going to be released in the area of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan.




"Jim," Stands for youth and vitality, passion and love. Special issue of "Jim" is a media for the youth of this country. Since a special youth edition was required to deal with issues, problems, concerns, ambitions, and in short whatever was relevant to youth in the form of a specialized newspaper appendix, Khorasan newspaper published a specialized "Jim" to respond to the needs of the youth.
Another goal pursued by "Jim" was to prevent the generation gap between Jim audiences, with lively topics and writing style, which has attracted not only the youth but even middle-aged and older people.
Jim subjects and layout are full of joy and vitality and talented and capable youth write in "Jim".
Young Staff of "Jim" is from today's generation who understand the needs of today's young and strives to deal with issues, problems and concerns of the youth in a manner appealing to the youth. This view has caused, "Jim" to turn into one of the most successful and most popular special issues of "Khorasan".
The first issue of "Jim" was released in December 10th 2006 and presently "Jim" is hosted by the youth on every Thursday.
"Jim" website is also one of the most visited sites with 25000 visits as well as 2000 user comments on a daily basis. Moreover, 250 thousand pages of the site is visited on a monthly basis.





The increasing development of "IT" and "Computer Science" and the emergence of successive generations of new communication devices, especially all kinds of computers and mobile phones among other phenomena, as well as strong demand of the audience to awareness of the latest technology has led Khorasan newspaper to publish its Special Edition dubbed as "byte" as its weekly supplement. Its first issue was published on November 1st 2007 and presently it is one of the most popular special editions of Khorasan newspapers. Byte`s Special Edition editorial in directed by young computer experts, whose creativity and genius can be seen everywhere in this Special Edition even in paging.
In fact, nothing in the field of new technologies has been neglected by Byte, and today it has become a reference for those interested in IT and the contents of this Journal is published in multiple news sites on a weekly basis.
Byte has its own crossword puzzle, therefore it has excelled in IT issues throughout the country, and for this reason the number of its audience has increased. Byte also has a website that is downloaded 25 thousand times weakly, and in spite of the fact that Byte can be downloaded from other websites, it enjoys about 3 thousand weekly visits from the Khorasan newspaper's web site. Byte`s Appendix is available for its audience every Wednesday.


Sports Khorasan



Khorasan Sport is a daily 4-page Special Edition appendix of Khorasan newspaper which has been released since June 10th 2008. A complete package of sports news and sports events in Iran and the world can be found there. This Special Edition aims to report on important sporting events in the form of news reports, attractive columns and interviews with famous athletes. The reason behind the release of this Special Edition by Khorasan has been sports development in all dimensions and to meet the needs of the audience at all ages. This Special Edition with unique cover and page designs has attracted many audiences and its scope of influence has been to the extent that one can confidently claim that it is used as a news source by other television and radio stations. Avoiding issues of controversy and refraining from addressing yellow and insignificant issues can be regarded as other features of Sports Khorasan.


Hello to Life



An attractive and beautiful especial edition with different themes which says hello to lives every day. Iranian and Islamic lifestyle is so important and special that it cannot be presented in the form of a newspaper page, so in order to promote this mode of living a relatively professional appendix was required.
Life cases about the most important events, everyday issues, emerging trends, behavior, family relationships, personal and social interactions, life skills, personal and social psychology and health issues will be discussed in this section also ,on Saturdays two pages of this supplement printed for children and teenayers specially. and 2 styles of living is examined in hello to life. One is the routine and ordinary look towards social issues and the other is analysis and elaboration of issues with a pathological objective in mind and for providing solutions for issues which may seem insignificant at first sight while if such phenomenon remain neglected and left unresolved they may create deep wounds in the lives. "Hello to Life" is a simple test of in which people can respond to questions about their lives and put their behavior into test. Helping to solve petite problems of life and damages caused by some interactions, through psychological counseling and sociological analysis and finding solutions to a number of problems and making use of experts’ knowledge are among the main features of "Hello to life".


The Exemplary Discourse



Exemplary Discourse" is a specialized bimonthly allocated to intellectual endeavors of elites, the first issue of which was published in January 2014. This magazine enters into the realm of "Islamic-Iranian Style of progress" with an open and discourse generating approach, as a major theme in the country's major issues that are emphasized by the Supreme Leader and aims at addressing issues such as intellectual dimensions of paradigms of development with an indigenous approach , popular demands in terms of progress, encourage scientific and research centers and universities to provide local views on issues of country, coverage and media processing of new perspectives in the field of humanities and social sciences, paying attention to self-belief in popular culture and reconstruction of Islamic civilization building horizons within the scope of collective identity, considering patterns of development in other countries and assessing progress patterns and informed application of them, directing and facilitating local processes and promotion of novel ideas, valuing young faces and giving space to new modes of writing in line with the development pattern, creating an atmosphere of debate and exchange of opinions, ideas and insights, and allowing space for judgment by the audience, covering intelligent news and analytical reports in line with the pattern of progress. The Exemplary Discourse as an appendix to the Khorasan newspaper has ever since managed to gain significant status among the elite and scientific centers of the country, and this is due to the reflection of views of prominent figures in and out of the country and use of opinions from different political and intellectual spectrum.


Cultural Khorasan



Cultural Khorasan was published in February 2013 for the first time and since the Great Khorasan is the cradle of culture, literature and art of Iran, a purely cultural journal which sought cultural issues and could aptly introduce cultural potential of the country and Khorasan was highly required. Cultural Khorasan tries to have a say in the fields of religion, intellect, science, art, literature, media, popular culture, history, cultural needs of the society, and cultural challenges, and take a step, however small, in dealing with cultural invasion. In this context, cultural Khorasan has professionally entered into the domain of culture and tries to create a bridge between cultural activists, people, custodians and elites.
Paying attention to cultural potentials of Mashhad and Khorasan as the intellectual capital of Iran as well as trying to strengthen and activate such potentials are among other objectives of Cultural Khorasan.


Khorasan Diplomatic


Khorasan Diplomatic is a product with diverse and intriguing content within the field of foreign policy and international relations, including a variety of scientific analyses, interviews, notes and essays by international experts.
Khorasan diplomatic tries to explain and analyze the most important issues in the field of foreign policy and world politics, with a view to the current events in Iran and the world. In each issue, an important subject would be addressed based on a specific theoretical plan, and different views on the subject will be presented to its audience.
Khorasan diplomatic is a section which is targeted at foreign policy decision-makers and state decision-makers including Supreme National Security Council, State Department, Oil Department, Economy Department, Islamic Parliament, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, Globalization Organization, the centers of academic and research who are decision-makers in various fields. Khorasan Diplomatic endeavors to review, analyze, explain some political phenomena and in this sense it can be used as an informative source to inform the target population, and in doing so it would gain its status.


Specialized Media Training Center


Development and growth of Khorasan Art and cultural institution, as well as the need for training efficient and professional staff, and the lack of powerful journalist training centers in Khorasan, prompted Khorasan Art and cultural institution to engage in training efficient journalists in Khorasan-e Razavi by setting up of a Specialized Media Training Center and by doing so turn into the second journalism pole in the country. This center was founded in June 2014 and is directed by Kourosh Shojaie, the former editor of Khorasan newspaper, and ever since has held specialized training courses in journalism and journalistic photography for journalism enthusiasts from various classes. Khorasan media training center also serves other purposes in line with its inherent duties that include: Effective presence in the sphere of media training within Islamic Revolution, raising the level of journalism in the East of the country, identifying and recruiting talented and committed individuals through setting up training courses for the public and holding festivals for experimental journals, promoting media literacy and journalistic skills for experimental and student journalists and cultural centers, etc., creating motivation and development of capacities and human resources in the field of Islamic journalism and professional development of media space, participating in journalism training in neighboring Persian-speaking countries, training experts for the newspaper taking into account qualitative and quantitative development of Khorasan Art and Cultural Institute, regular training and constant updating of professional manpower in Khorasan newspaper editorial and ultimately production of educational content.


Research Bureau


To enhance the capabilities of Khorasan Art and cultural institute, and to gain a deeper scientific and analytical perspective, and to communicate with the elites, experts and scholars, the Research Bureau was founded in 2008 as the scientific and cultural arm of the Khorasan Art and cultural institute and Khorasan newspaper. To carry out this important mission, the research bureau utilizes relevant experts and journalists, and produces and publishes various analytical packages relevant to the major issues and concerns of the country. In this regard, dozens of special editions, special analytical reports, specialized symposiums and several books and hundreds of analytical articles and opinion polls entitled "Monitoring" have been published. This special edition has been offered to managers, experts and university professors, media companions, government agencies and non-governmental officials, MPs and as well as other educated people.
Another mission of research bureau has been to provide educational and research services to the body of Khorasan newspaper's content. This aim is achieved by creation of databases, think tanks, and offices for communication with universities and Polling centers


The Print City

With the development of Khorasan newspaper, and increase in the number of newspapers published by Khorasan Art and Culture institute, measures were taken to equip the printing station of Khorasan Art and Cultural Institute. These measures have resulted in purchasing of advanced printing equipment from Germany and Japan and equipping Khorasan "Print City" with the most advanced printing machines for printing books, binding equipment and whatever is related to printing industry. As for developments in the printing equipment within Art and Cultural Institute of Khorasan, it is noteworthy to say that Khorasan newspaper printed its first release in 1949 using a lead character set, manual enter-types and 3.5-liter sheet printing press to print a 4-page newspaper. However, within 1961 to 1978 an "Enter Type" that is a lead character press as well as a letterpress printing set were purchased. In 1987 a printing press roll called "Rotating Letterpress" with the speed of at 3 thousand copies of 8-page monochrome newspapers was set up, but it was not until 1991 that research and measures were taken to purchase new printing sets. These actions led to the purchasing of a device called "Uniset 60" which made possible making use of a computer for typing and layout management as well as printing 8 page full-color newspapers with the speed of 30 thousand copies per hour. Then the technical developments in Khorasan newspaper continued and it was in 2007 that it reached its peak. With launching and operation of a printing set called Komori sheet in February 2010, the Printing City of Khorasan entered into a new era in the field of sheet printing, and printing 5 color works with a production capacity of 13 thousand sheets per hour was made possible.
In 2008 a roll printing machine called " Uniset 75 heat set " was purchased from "Man Roland" Germany and set up with the speed of 38 thousand copies of 8-page 4-color 50 × 35 newspapers per hour with highest print quality, and it made use of modern and intelligent systems in the printing phase.
Khorasan Art Institute purchased and set up the "Uniset 5 coldset" in 2011 from the German "Man" factory as a result of establishment of a unit for printing orders in 2008 and publication of a number of special Editions and journals with the roll printing set and also due to the increase in the number of pages of newspapers and appendixes. In order to complete the printing machines of the print city Khorasan Art institute needed to equip the printing city with clean sheet printing and binding machinery. Therefore, in the printing sheet section in the first phase, the GTO device was set up in 2008 to perform a variety of printing services. During the same year, "Speed Master" was also launched and publishing in the dimensions of 70 × 50 on a variety of paper with a production capacity of 12 thousand sheets per hour was made possible.
Ultimately, Khorasan Art institute printing city evolved into a new stage in 2014 by purchasing a sheet printing machine called "Speed Master 175" which is one of the most advanced printing presses in the printing industry. Presently, the Printing City of Art Institute of Khorasan is equipped with the most modern computerized and satellite printing systems, and pre-press and printing equipment, and is capable of performing variety of prints with the best quality and numerous clients are listed in the waiting list of orders.


Publishing House

Despite the advanced printing city and publishing specialists in various fields, lack of an organization that could print various books necessitated establishment of the Publishing Organization which was established in May 14th 2012 by the enactment of the Board of Trustees of Art and Culture Institute of Khorasan. The first series of pictorial books of Shahnameh is one of the products of this publication, which was unveiled by Deputy Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance in 2013.
A 10-year perspective has been envisaged for this publishing house in the regulations approved by the Board of Trustees of the Art Institute of Khorasan, to be able to compete with other domestic and regional publishers and to join the nation's top publishers through production of rich and influential products. With this perspective in mind, the pivotal slogan of Art Institute of Khorasan is "book in the family basket of consumer goods". Moreover, introduction and promotion of Iranian Islamic life style, Islamic education, insight synergies and deepening the intellectual potentials, cultural promotion and public behavior improvement, and production of educational content in the fields of literature, history, children, religion and art, as well as translation of rich material, are among other objectives of the Art Institute of Khorasan.


Distribution and Subscription

Khorasan newspaper enjoys one of the most disciplined and advanced distribution systems in the press, which has led to on time delivery of the products of Art Institute Khorasan to its readers. This is made possible by the hardworking and active employees who endeavor to deliver Khorasan newspaper to its readers on time, staff who are working in three shifts. In this context, audience satisfaction would be at the top of the objectives of Newspaper Delivery Organization. Certainly, Khorasan newspaper has reached its current status in the media through the existence of a systematic and targeted distribution network.


Bank of Electronic Archives


Khorasan newspaper Bank of Electronic Archives is a set of electronic archives which documents culture, history, economy and politics of Khorasan and the country. It was unveiled by Dr. Larjani, the Spokesperson of the parliament, during a ceremony in July 2013 with the aim of providing access to researchers and preventing damage to the hard copies and resources, and conversion of newspapers to electronic versions. This bank contains 54 years of Khorasan newspaper which includes more than one million pieces of news, reports, and other content which can be searched by title, author, date, page number and it allows the user to view pages in PDF format.
Objective and achievements of Khorasan Bank of Electronic Archives include:
1 - Ease of access in the shortest time and prevention of damage to resources
2 - Introducing the history and background of Khorasan newspaper
3 - Providing more thorough acquaintance with the culture and history of the country and this province.
4 - Turning Khorasan newspaper into a day newspaper in terms of content



Latest news



Latest news, is a wide spread media from the products of Khorasan Art and cultural institution on the cyberspacen,now it is best of Persian applications an independent media which, regardless of political and factional affiliations within the framework of the Islamic Republic of Iran, tries to inform its users of current news accurately, promptly and transparently.
Latest News tires to relay the latest Iran and world news and events to the readers within 24 hours of the day. In addition, it offers engaging, and applicable content in 23 headings to its readers. It covers informative and even funny and joyful content in the form of cultural, social, family issues, sports, and whatever revolves around social life.
In the "Latest News", audience is informed by the news and events of the day in the shortest possible time and by commenting on them, the leader is in contact with the media. Every day, thousands of comments are sent by the readers of this application and they comment on, or put forward any suggestions with respect to any news or content. You may have the "Latest news" on your mobile phone.
Read the Latest news on the "Latest News».


Aytos Portal

The advanced and safe portal called "Aytos" is a whole series of different services. This portal creates space for Internet users of all ages to make them aware of the events of the world in addition to meeting some of their needs, such as dealing with everyday business and links to external sites. "Aytos" Portal also supports all appendixes and various services such as Khorasan newspaper needs, Khorasan sports, and information technology Appendix "Byte", the Youth Appendix "Jim", analytical Appendix "monitor" and the "Latest News" service as well as the 7010 (phone advertisement) service.
"Aytos Shop" (on line Aytos shop)
Each member of the "aytos" can set up an online store for his or her real products in this portal. Setting up a shop in "Aytos" is free of charge and its major advantage is that the business owner will have audiences of Khorasan newspaper by his or her side. It should be noted that the use of advertising opportunities of Khorasan may cost millions. However, in "Aytos" using all the features of this portal is free, while all the experience, confidence and extent of the Khorasan newspaper's audience will be by your side.
Another important advantage of "Aytos" is that the seller will not be concerned about the non-payment of funds from the buyer for his purchases. In traditional method of cash sales or payment after delivery, there is always the possibility that the buyer may not be present in the offered address or the address may be entered wrongly, and in such cases the seller will be responsible for shipping cost of the delivered goods.
Nameless vendors are usually not trusted for purchases in cash and depositing cash to unknown vendors, while in "Aytos" the purchaser has 66-year-old name and reputation of Khorasan by his side.
Benefits of "Aytos Shop" for the buyer
In sales through "aytos" the purchase money will only be transferred to the vendors account only when the buyer has received the item and have approved its delivery, and when the buyer is not satisfied with the purchase, the whole purchase money can be reimbursed by presenting reasonable justifications. In addition, if the order does not reach the buyer in due course to the required destination, all the payment he can be reimbursed.
If the product received is inconsistent with the description listed in the store, the buyer can negotiate with the seller to refund part or total payment. In case of dispute, Khorasan Art Institute will act to mediate.
Finally, it is noted that the information of the members is stored by the safe "Aytos" system and are protected by the most advanced dedicated servers.


Advertising agency


Advertising agency of the Art Institute of Khorasan is one of the major sources of revenue for this institute. In recent years in the wake of measures to build confidence and attract advertising, acclaimed brands of domestic and foreign agencies have become relatively steady customers of Khorasan ads.
The development and implementation of regulations on accepting ads, development of cultural appendix to attract advertising, and development of an advertising software that provides the users with both centralized order book and recording of dates and orders, are among the important steps that could create confidence in advertisers and has increased the number of advertisers.
According to the advertising regulations, the Art Institute of Khorasan bounds itself to compliance with the ads cultural appendix in addition to trying to win the confidence of advertisers and the audience. In other words, the current advertising laws of the country, customs, religion, etc. are observed, therefore the Art Institute of Khorasan does not publish all types of ads. For example, in advertising religious ceremonies, banquets, funerals, religious and national occasions and advertisements for cultural products, all aspects including the rules and regulations are mentioned and respected, and adherence to the advertising cultural attachment remains one of the major priorities of advertising.
Another advantage of Khorasan advertisements is the ease of ordering and breadth of advertising volume for the orderer. As for the breadth of volume, Khorasan ads ranks the second advertising agency after Hamshahri newspaper. Khorasan Requirements appendix is regarded as a daily business reference and database for citizens. In addition to this collection, some pages of the daily Khorasan newspaper, North and South Khorasan Province newspapers, Sistan newspaper, Byte, Jim, Hello to life attachments and Khorasan sports, cover a broad range of other ads in Khorasan newspaper.
It is important to note that the Art Institute of Khorasan Advertising Agency has taken a wide range of measures to facilitate the process of attracting advertisers and ease of access and ordering process, which are can be summarized as follows:
A. Founding six ad agency in mashad and 3  representative  offices in Khorasan provine to facilitate the receipt of the order and newspaper subscriptions

B. Establishing a phone ad units in 2004 in order to receive ads from citizens who are willing to order ads form their workplace or home. This unit is welcomed by customers and the volume of advertisements received by this unit is increasing.
C. Printing attachments, especial editions, and thematic advertisement pages in order to develop the market and meet the needs of citizens in forms such as Wednesday market, Auto market, neighborhood market, day of shopping and so on.
D. Publishing the names and details of individuals whose documents such as national ID card, birth certificate, driver's license and ... have been found in the framework of cooperation with the post office for free in order to serve the citizens.
E. Customer satisfaction based on daily and permanent surveys for monitoring the level of competition among citizens in welcoming the advertising process.
F. Acceptance of Internet advertising through the following website: .
G. Developing a memorandum of advertisement publishing for better interaction with companies, agencies and organizations.

H. Special Distribution Unit:
The purpose of this unit is to deliver advertisements to the target audiences and to reach very special groups so introducing new brands effectively and increasing permeability of the advertisements. It creates vertical chains of added-value so developing competitive advantages and boosts the sales of the products effectively through advertising.

Design Unit:
One of the criteria that may be used in measuring advertising effectiveness and attracting customers is advertising. Accordingly, the special services Unit of Khorasan Newspaper offers, especially for its VIP customers, graphic design and advertising consulting. These services include consulting and providing new and innovative designs using highly qualified team, generating and designing the advertising strategy scenarios using modern methods, and study the strengths and weaknesses of customers' projects



Generated Content Unit
A new vision, a new season for introducing Iranian work, different approaches to the operational economic strength. 
Center for Marketing Research:
In order to meet the needs of entrepreneurs, the Center for Marketing Research at Khorasan Institute as a consultative body, aims to provide reliable answers along with accurate information, and applied and specific research in their areas of activity. And based on studies in the field of advertising and marketing strategy the Center helps entrepreneurs define their vision, mission, and their business. Availability of this information can help economic actors to determine their current position to the market with higher accuracy and also to improve the effectiveness of their future policies in the field of advertising.

Special Thematic Issue

Special Thematic Issues are one of popular, rich and profound products of Khorasan newspaper that are published and distributed every year on different occasions. In fact, such special edition is developed according to the requirements of time and special events. These special editions include subjects from literature through social issues to politics and in having a deeper perspective onto the most important social issues of the day, opinions of regional experts and academic elite are consulted.
Multiple special issues including "plaque of honor", "document of honor", and deck of authority can be mentioned as the main especial editions of Khorasan newspaper about sacred defensive war. This special issue is published every year on the occasion of Sacred Defense Week and analyzes various aspects of the war.
In addition, great commanders, especially martyr commanders are honored and remembered and important operations of the holy defense are also addressed in this section. In fact, the Sacred Defense Special Issue is one of the main products of Khorasan newspaper about the sacred defense, and in this issue the aim is to familiarize the current generation with the sacred defense and sacrifices in the 8 years of imposed war. These special issues have attracted the attention of high-ranking military officials and it has been honored for many times.
One of the most popular special issues of the Art and culture institute of Khorasan is the New Year's Special which attempts to fill in a different way the vacancy of information during the two-week vacation of Nowrouz and tries to delve into the most important social, political, cultural, and sporting issues.
Daily Developments, analysis of political and social events of the past year, countries achievements in various fields, analysis of social and cultural and sport issues are among the main content of this special issue, and every year interesting interviews with high-ranking officials and experts are arranged about political and cultural issues. New Year Special addresses the events of the past year`s national events and casts a deep look on international events, while the outlook for the next year will also be discussed.
This special issue is published every year before spring break and is distributed for free among the subscribers. "from Ahmadinejad to Ahmadinejad", "negotiation with game of negotiation", "Geneva deal" and "Esfandiar of the Government" are some of the key topics addressed in this special issue.
The Art and Culture Institute of Khorasan has other special issues in political, social, cultural, and literary domains such as the "Exemplary discourse", "monitoring”, "Ferdowsi", "Khorasan Diplomatic", All of which attract some specific audiences and some general audiences of their own.

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